(705) 733-8284

80 Maple Ave
Barrie, ON L4N 1R8

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With work, family, friends and other relationships, you might feel like you're being pulled in a million directions. If so, it may be time to speak with a qualified counsellor at Fecht Sandra MA Counselling Service in Barrie. At our calm and inviting counselling office, we provide therapy and counselling services to help you deal with any type of abuse, depression, relationship challenges, cognitive behavioural needs and more. We can also help you with life and career choices. Let us provide you with the support we all need to manage life's challenges.
Abuse Resolution, Anger Management, Anxiety - Depression And Stress, Brief Strategic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Energy Work, Life And Career Choices, NLP And EMDR, Relationship Counselling, Self-hypnosis Training
MarriageIndividual & Family Counsellors MarriageIndividual & Family Counsellors in ON MarriageIndividual & Family Counsellors in Barrie MarriageIndividual & Family Counsellors in Downtown Psychotherapy Psychotherapy in ON Psychotherapy in Barrie Psychotherapy in Downtown
Social Links
Site: http://www.sandrafecht.com
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