(705) 725-7304

431 Huronia Rd
Barrie, ON L4N 9B3

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We are on your FM dial at 95.7 and on Rogers Cable in Barrie and Orillia. ROCK 95 FM is a 100, 000-watt regional station that covers a wide area of Central Ontario. The station, Barrie's Rock Station, ROCK 95 plays the best rock for our approximately quarter million listeners. Our coverage area stretches from Parry Sound and Huntsville south to Highway 7 near Toronto, east to Lindsay and west to near Owen Sound. Our signal serves all major cities in this region such as Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Collingwood, Penetang, Newmarket, Bradford, Alliston and many more.
107.5 Kool FM, Advertising-Radio, Radio Stations & Broadcasting Companies, Rock Music
Radio Stations & Broadcasting Companies Radio Stations & Broadcasting Companies in ON Radio Stations & Broadcasting Companies in Barrie
Social Links
Site: http://www.rock95.com
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