(705) 734-7732

17 Coughlin Rd
Barrie, ON L4N 8S5

Regular Hours
Monday | 8:00 - 17:00
Tuesday | 8:00 - 17:00
Wednesday | 8:00 - 17:00
Thursday | 8:00 - 17:00
Friday | 8:00 - 17:00
Google Maps

Speare Windows is a small window and door company run by an experienced carpenter. We take the time to do it right, and so far we haven't had a call back on any of our installations. We don't believe in high pressure sales, and we won't sell you something that you don't need. With general renovation experience, we specialize in home modifications. If you want to turn a window in to a door, or add a window or door where there wasn't one, we can do that. Brick exterior? No problem! We also cut new, or enlarge, basement windows including window wells and drains. Unlike our large competitors, we have chosen to keep our business small so that we are in control of all aspects of the business. We aren't perfect, but we strive to serve all of our customers with respect and dignity, and hope that you will give us a chance to show you how good we really are.
Porch Enclosure, Door Installation, Door Renovation, Door Repair, Window Installation, Window Renovation, Window Repair
Payment Methods
Cash Cheque Email transfer
Doors & Windows Doors & Windows in ON Doors & Windows in Barrie Windows Windows in ON Windows in Barrie
Social Links
Site: http://www.facebook.com/spearewindows
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