B&B's main goal since the inception of the business has been a specialized service based industry. It separates B&B from its competition. In providing these services, all of B&B's sales technicians are not only qualified in the sales aspect of the product but are also, technically qualified to do the service and installation. You can contact the following members of the B&B Security Team by selecting the appropriate link: SALES: bblocksmithing@ns.sympatico.ca Chirs Hall: chris@bandbsecurity.ca Pat Lovett: pat@bandbsecurity.ca Ed: ed@bandbsecurity.ca
Keys & Key CuttingKeys & Key Cutting in NSKeys & Key Cutting in HalifaxLocksmiths & LocksLocksmiths & Locks in NSLocksmiths & Locks in HalifaxSecurity Control Systems & EquipmentSecurity Control Systems & Equipment in NSSecurity Control Systems & Equipment in Halifax