(Evening Appointments are Available by Request) Bridgeview Physiotherapy is committed to providing the highest quality of care. We use a comprehensive, hands-on approach to managing musculoskeletal pain disorders. We pride ourselves on providing one-on-one care and tailored programs for each client in our clinic. Through manual techniques, acupuncture, exercise and education, our clients are able to recover more rapidly and return to their daily activities.
Physiotherapy, Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Manual Therapy, Spinal Mobilizations And Manipulations, Breast Cancer Rehabilitation, Core Stability Programs, Exercise Programs, One-on-one Therapy, Joint Mobilization, Private Setting, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Back And Neck Pain, Arthritis, Sprains And Strains, Repetitive Strain Injuries, Tendinitis And Bursitis, Muscle And Joint Pain, Headaches
Payment Methods
PhysiotherapistsPhysiotherapists in NSPhysiotherapists in Halifax