MireauArt in Halifax provides original paintings of local maritime scenes in watercolor, acrylic and oils. We paint indoor and outdoor murals as well as portraits of houses, boats, people or pets. MireauArt does commissioned paintings for retirement, birthdays, anniversaries and special occasion gifts. Affordable prints of our original paintings are available for tourists, recognition awards and speaker gifts. Laurie Mirieau has blank greeting cards made from her paintings available, or she can design a custom Christmas card for your business. Drawing and painting lessons are available, in both private and group settings. Contact MireauArt today for more information or to sign up for our free newsletter!
Original Paintings Of Local Maritime Scenes (watercolorAcrylicOil), Murals- Indoors And Outdoors, Portraits Of HousesBoatsPeoplePets, Commissioned Paintings For RetirementsBirthdaysSpecial Occasions, Affordable Framed Prints Of Originals For TouristsRecognition Or Speaker Gifts, Custom Christmas CardsBlank Greeting Cards, Art Lessons - Drawing And Painting Classes / Instruction